ICOM-US Board of Directors
ICOM-US is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the committee membership. The list that follows is current as of Jan 1, 2025.
Co-Chairs 2023-2026
Arthur Affleck Executive Director Association of Children's Museums Arlington, VA
Kate Quinn Executive Director Mütter Museum and Historical Medical Library Philadelphia, PA
Douglass W. McDonald Retired CEO The Alamo, Cincinnati Museum Center & National Underground Railroad Freedom Center Cincinnati, OH
Joanne Sofía Flores Senior Program Officer for Art Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC
Board of Directors
Bridget C. Coughlin, Ph.D. President and CEO Shedd Aquarium Chicago, IL
Scott Cooper, Ph.D. President and CEO The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University Philadelphia, PA
Jason Cryan Executive Director Natural History Museum of Utah Salt Lake City, UT
Elizabeth Duggal Former COO Guggenheim Museum
Joe Horsecapture Chief Curator Autry Museum
Dr. George Jacob
Healoha Johnston Director of Cultural Resources and Curator Hawaii and Pacific Arts and Culture at the Bishop Museum
Lyndel King Emeritus, Director & Chief Curator Weisman Art Museum Minneapolis, MN
Lisa Kim Gallery Director Ford Foundation New York, NY
Leslee Michelsen, Ph.D Director National Museum of American Diplomacy U.S. Department of State Washington D.C
Patsy Phillips Director IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (MoCNA) Santa Fe, NM
Julian Siggers, Ph.D. President and CEO Field Museum of Natural History Chicago, IL
Bonnie W. Styles Executive Director Association of Science Museum Directors Springfield, IL
Technical Advisors to the Board (Appointed by co-chairs, non-voting)
W. Richard West, Jr. President & CEO Emeritus, Autry National Center of the American West; Founding Director & Director Emereti, National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian Institution, Los Angeles, CA
Members Ex-Officio (according to ICOM-US bylaws)
Jane E. Klinger Chair, ICMEMO Special Advisor and Senior Research Conservator, U S Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C.
Christina Linsenmeyer Chair, CIMCIM Associate Curator, Morris Steinert Collection of Musical Instruments,
Yale University, New Haven, CT
Diana Pardue Chair, DRMC Director, Museum Services Division Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island Immigration Museum Liberty Island New York, NY
Glenn Perkins Chair, CAMOC Curator of Community History, Greensboro History Museum, Greensboro, NC
Hillary Spencer
Chair, ICEE
Founder, Agency, Rockville, MD
Sally Yerkovich Chair, ETHCOM Professor, Museum Anthropology, Columbia University Director of Educational Exchange and Special Projects at The American-Scandinavian Foundation
Deborah Ziska Chair, MPR Consultant, Washington, DC
ICOM-US Timeline
2021: ICOM-US Inaugural Publication (in collaboration with webinar series)
2020: ICOM-US Virtual Annual Meeting and Inaugural Webinar Series
2019: ICOM-US Restricted Fund created to support ICOM committee to host meetings/conferences in the U.S.
2017: ICOM-US Strategic Vision and Work Plan Finalized
2016: ICOM-US and AAM signed a Memorandum of Understanding, leading to future collaborations.
2015: ICOM-US Bid to host the 2019 ICOM General Conference in Cincinnati, OH
2014: ICOM-US finalized new bylaws and was approved as a 501c3 (U.S. nonprofit) organization.
2012: ICOM-US hired Hauck & Associates, Inc., with offices in Washington, DC, to administer ICOM-US affairs.
2011: ICOM-US became independent from the American Alliance of Museum (AAM), which had been managing ICOM-US.